Understanding and Solutions to Challenges for Optimizing Land Application of Biosolids Outcomes in BC
Kaiwen Xiao, MLWS 2021
Biosolids have been applied on land for more than a century. It has a high content of organic matter and nutrients and can improve soil quality effectively. In British Columbia, land application of biosolids has become a key solution to deal with land pressure and degradation, and the process is under strict regulations to preserve human and environmental health.
However, biosolids are recovered from wastewater, which means harmful pollutants may still exist in biosolids after standard treatment processes. Although the regulations introduced by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment have mentioned the level of common pollutants in wastewater and biosolids, the emerging organic pollutants researches since the 1970s and the public perception of biosolids have become two major factors hindering the widespread land application of biosolids.
This white paper presents a literature review, stating the properties of emerging organic pollutants and public perception of biosolids land application in British Columbia. In the end, it will provide solutions for the dilemmas to optimize the land application of biosolid outcomes.