Julie Wilson, P.Ag.
Academic Coordinator & Lecturer
Areas of Specialization: communications for natural resource professionals; urban watershed management; watershed cumulative effects assessment

Julie Wilson is a lecturer and the MLWS Program Academic Coordinator. Julie teaches LWS 510 Land and Water Seminar, LWS 550 Professional Communications Strategies and SOIL 516 Urban Watershed Management.
Julie holds a M.Sc. and B.Sc. from The University of British Columbia.
Krzic, M., J. E. Wilson, P. Hazlett and A. Diochon. 2019. Soil Science Education Practices Used in Canadian Postsecondary, K-12, and Informal Settings. Natural Sciences Education, 48:190015.http://doi.org/10.4195/nse2019.09.0015
Rose, A., J. E. Wilson and L. M. Lavkulich. 2017. Analysis of Impervious Surface Area, and the Impacts on Soil-Based Agriculture and the Hydrologic Cycle: A Case Study in the Agricultural Land Reserve in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Agricultural Sciences, 8, 837-856. https://doi.org/10.4236/as.2017.88062
Wang, Y., J. E. Wilson , D. Brayshaw and L. M. Lavkulich. 2017. Effects of aggregate extraction on water storage in the Pepin Creek watershed, BC, Canada. Natural Resources, 8, 461-477. https://doi.org/10.4236/nr.2017.87030
Wilson, J. E., J. Zhang, C. Lomas, L. M. Lavkulich and R. Yada. 2017. Instructors’ perspectives on learning technologies in the multidisciplinary Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7(10): 772-782. https://doi.org/10.18178/ijiet.2017.7.10.971
To read more about Julie’s research and publications, visit the link below.
Contact Julie Wilson phone: 604-822-6360 email: julie.wilson@ubc.ca MacMillan 156B
Please direct all program inquiries to mlws.program@ubc.ca.