Emily MacMillan
Previous Education
White Rock, Canada
B. Sc. Honours Biology, University of the Fraser Valley
Why did you apply for the Master of Land and Water Systems?
I have been very fortunate to grow up next to the ocean throughout my entire life which really fostered a deep connection and passion within myself for the environment, and most importantly, maintaining both the beauty and health of our natural environment into the future for others to continue to appreciate and connect with evermore; because of this, I wanted to take part in a program that embodied the same passions and goals that I also hold. The Master of Land and Water Systems stood out to me as the perfect program that would help me hone in on my career goals and further advance my career path in the environmental sector, while also providing the opportunity to prosper my passion for the environment through the Major Project.
What are you most excited about learning in the MLWS program?
I am most excited to be learning more on environmental policy, along with Land and Water resource management from a local and global perspective, and applying such knowledge in my upcoming Major Project and learning to better communicate Land and Water Systems issues to the greater public.
What are some of your favourite hobbies?
In my spare time I love to create art using a vast variety of mediums and I love to try new cuisines!
How did you find out about the MLWS program?