Molybdenosis and Land Reclamation Strategies for Prevention
Allison McCabe, MLWS 2020
Molybdenosis is a molybdenum-induced copper deficiency that can occur in ruminants when the copper to molybdenum ratio in forage is less than 2:1, typically due to trace element imbalances in the underlying soil. Ruminants refer to the group of grazing herbivores with multi-chambered stomachs who chew the cud, such as cattle, moose, or deer.
Regions with high molybdenum content in soils include reclaimed mine tailings sites and waste rock piles where residual molybdenum exists as a by-product of extraction and processing activities. While incidences of molybdenosis have been recorded internationally, this report focuses on molybdenosis associated with copper-molybdenum mines located in the Southern Interior of British Columbia.
Despite an identified risk of molybdenosis in these areas, a framework for the reclamation of molybdenum-contaminated sites does not exist. To address this gap, I have conducted a literature review on molybdenosis and ruminants and land reclamation strategies for molybdenum for the prevention of molybdenosis in affected sites, which include soil amendment and phytoremediation interventions. The literature review serves in the construction of a land reclamation framework designed for use by professionals and landowners in the remediation of molybdenum contaminated land.