Groundwater Predictive Model on the Effect of Land Use Impacts on the Hopington Aquifer in Langley, BC
Juncheng Hu, MLWS 2019
The Hopington AB Aquifer is one of the most vulnerable unconfined aquifers in the lower mainland. It is reported that the Hopington AB aquifer water level is decreasing year by year. The predictive model indicates that these declines are due to excessive extraction, climate change and expected population growth will only accelerate the drop in water tables. In order to address the groundwater quantity issue, a groundwater management plan is needed to regulate and protect the unconfined aquifer.
The overall goal of the project is to determine the water balance of the Hopington Aquifer and its possible impact on streamflow in the Salmon River. The aim is to develop a predictive model to determine the effect of land use activities and water use on the Hopington Aquifer, to show if the aquifer is used in a sustainable manner and to evaluate if changes affect the stream water flow in the Salmon River.