Agricultural Potential of the West Kootenay:
A Regional Review of the Land, Soil and Climate for Crop Potential
Rachael Roussin, MLWS 2014
There is growing interest in the West Kootenay region to increase and support agricultural activity while recent changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) are reinvigorating the question of farmland protection. This study assesses the agricultural potential of the West Kootenay for fruit, vegetable and grain production with climate change using a land and climate based analysis. The approach includes: Quantifying the amount of agricultural land in the region and identifying its location using the Canada Land Inventory’s Soil Capability for Agriculture Classifications; Assessing the range of climate projections for 2050 and their significant for agricultural potential using Global Climate Model scenarios; Summarizing current agricultural activity in the region using the 2011 Canada Agricultural Census; Exploring the suitability of crops for specific areas. This study addresses issues of food security and resiliency from a land based perspective and the role of the ALR in protecting agricultural land.
Article published in Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development